~~~~~~~~JOIN US FOR CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, AT 1 PM, 3 PM, AND 5 PM ~~~~~~~~ WE ALSO INVITE YOU TO JOIN US FOR WORSHIP THROUGHOUT ADVENT -- Traditional Worship at 8:00 am --- Growth Hour at 9:15 am --- Contemporary Worship at 10:30 amALERT - UPDATE

Updates from the Board

Redeemer Year-End Report 2022-2023

As we prepare our 2022-2023 Annual Report, we are eight months away from 2024, when we will celebrate Redeemer’s 100th anniversary. This monumental milestone in Redeemer’s history inspires us to reflect on our past, present, and future journey with God.

Our Renewing Redeemer Capital Campaign culminated in April 2023 with a report on gifts gathered to date, the completion of several prioritized facilities projects, and a glimpse into what’s next.

We are thankful for our Congregation's input and participation as we continue to follow God’s plan for Redeemer in alignment with our mission, vision, and core values.

We invite you to read the full report at this LINK

In recognition of God’s role in Redeemer’s past, present, and future, we also asked a few of our Redeemer Friends to share their stories. Specifically, we asked how they see God's hand at work at Redeemer.  We captured Ray Leighton and Ralph Meyer sharing the story of Redeemer's past and Judy Rausch sharing the story of Redeemer's present. The story of Redeemer's future was shared live during Worship by Hannah Robbert.

Redeemer Visioning Initiative

We believe God has called Redeemer to be a healing presence in our community, and it is our vision to be a place where people can experience wholeness. This vision represents the WHY for our Visioning Initiative.

You will find a complete history of Redeemer’s visioning work, including a timeline and behind-the-scenes conversations with our visioning initiative leaders.

We invite you to be a part of the discussion. Your questions and ideas are welcome and can be submitted at this LINK.

Redeemer Visioning Initiative History

January 2017 -- Redeemer Board of Directors initiated the process of developing Redeemer’s Strategic Plan. The Board of Directors president, Gary Hutchens, presented the final Strategic Plan to the congregation for approval and adoption in October 2017

August 2019 -- Visioning Committee chartered by the Redeemer Board of Directors to develop a master site plan in alignment with Redeemer’s strategic plan, mission, and vision. The Visioning Committee is tasked with evaluating the existing church/school facility and assessing potential opportunities for the undeveloped property owned by Redeemer (30+ acres). 

September 2019 -- Prayer Task Force formed to lift up the visioning process and ensure Redeemer remains guided by our Lord and Savior.

October 2019 -- Visioning Survey was issued to the congregation to solicit feedback on ‘how’ we use the undeveloped property and for ‘what.’ More than 200 members of all ages completed the survey. Your survey feedback has played an instrumental role in our ability to lean into the pandemic and maintain momentum through 2020. Outreach was the common thread across all survey responses. Aligned with this theme of outreach, the following priorities were identified for our visioning activities:

  • Maintain Existing Facility
  • Green Space or Park
  • Community Center
  • Housing for Seniors and Underserved
  • Community Gardens
  • Memorial Gardens and Columbarium
  • Future Redeemer Uses (yet to be revealed)

November 2019 -- Existing Facilities Task Force launched to identify facility maintenance needs and assess modernizations required to support Redeemer’s warm and welcoming worship and community outreach. 

2020 -- Discussions with the City of Spokane Valley were held to ascertain collaboration opportunities. Also, engineering and feasibility studies commenced ascertaining the possibilities for developing our 30+ acres of land.

2021 -- The Visioning Committee launched a number of task forces to move our vision closer to reality, including a Conceptual Planning team, a Due Diligence Task Force, a Memorial Gardens and Columbarium Task Force, a Community Center and Green Space Task Force, and a Communications Task Force. We aim to present a master site plan by the end of 2021.

Supporting Visioning Documents 

*Click on the hyperlinks to access the documents.