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Redeemer Endowment Grants – Applications NOW Open

Redeemer's Endowment supports Redeemer's many ministries. There are two grant application openings each year -- one in the fall and one in the spring. We announce when the grant application opens via our many communications channels, including our Redeemer News & Highlights Newsletter, Sunday Bulletin, and Redeemer Life Video. To learn more about the application submission process and to access the application, please click on this LINK. We also invite you to connect with Josh Williams ( ) or any of our Endowment Fund Board members to learn more.

Endowment Grant Application

Redeemer Endowment Fund

Be a part of Redeemer's future. By definition, an endowment is a financial asset donation made to a non-profit group or institution in the form of investment funds or other property with a stated purpose at the donor's bequest. Most endowments, including Redeemer's Endowment Fund, are designed to keep the principal amount intact while using the investment income from dividends for charitable efforts.


The mission and purpose of the Redeemer Endowment Fund are to live out Jesus's Word and healing ministry by calling people to live in community with God and each other, with a grateful heart and an understanding of the importance of a legacy of giving.

How it works

The Redeemer Endowment Fund provides a structure for people who have the ability and desire to benefit the mission of Redeemer through charitable giving.*


The Redeemer Endowment Fund provides a perpetual source of income in alignment with my core values. Choices for gift designation include:

  • General gifts to support the overall mission of the endowment
  • Missions including local, regional, national, and global projects
  • Education programs for youth and adults
  • Worship
  • Capital projects, including renovations, repairs, and the building of new facilities
  • Congregational life addressing the multi-generational needs of our members

How you can help

When preparing your will and trusts or making tax decisions, please prayerfully consider including the Redeemer Endowment Fund as a recipient. Please submit the form below for more information.

*The Redeemer Endowment Fund is not a vehicle for regular giving and tithing. Before making a gift to the Endowment, you are encouraged to remember that your regular giving is necessary for Redeemer to operate fiscally strong.

Giving Options Tailored to Your Needs

Whether you give now, give later, or give & receive, there are options to match your interests and financial circumstances, which can also result in maximum tax benefits to you.**

Give Now

Make an immediate, outright charitable gift:

  • Cash
  • Publicly traded securities (stocks and mutual funds)
  • Real estate
  • Closely-held stock

Benefits to you:

  • Receive an immediate charitable deduction
  • By-pass capital gains tax on appreciation of securities, real estate, or closely-held stock owned for more than one year**

Give Later

Make a deferred charitable gift, retaining flexibility and control of the gift asset while living:

  • Bequest through a will or living trust
  • Beneficiary proceeds
  • Retirement assets such as IRAs, tax-sheltered annuities, and 401(k) and/or 403(b) plans

Benefits to you:

  • Retain control over assets while living
  • Designate all or a portion of the proceeds
  • Heirs avoid income and estate taxes on assets

Make a significant charitable gift upon your death:

  • Life insurance proceeds
  • Real property

Benefits to you:

  • Immediate charitable deductions for premium payments when Redeemer is named owner and beneficiary
  • Retain ownership and control when Redeemer is the partial, sole, or contingent beneficiary

Give and Receive

Make a gift and receive income payments for life. Your charitable benefit occurs at death:

  • Charitable gift annuity funded with cash or publicly traded securities including stocks and/or mutual funds

Benefits to you:

  • Income payments for life, a portion of which is typically tax-exempt
  • Receive payments immediately or defer
  • Immediate charitable deduction

Make a gift and receive income payments for life, a term of years, or both. Your charitable benefit occurs at death:

  • A charitable remainder unitrust or annuity trust with a gift of cash or publicly-traded securities (stocks and mutual funds).
  • A charitable remainder unitrust offers additional gift options for Real Estate and closely-held stock.

Benefits to you:

  • Ongoing unitrust payments are based on a set percentage and adjusted annually based on the value of your trust's assets. Annuity trust payments are fixed.
  • Immediate charitable deduction
  • Bypass capital gains tax if you give securities or real estate

**A reminder that before making any investment or charitable gift, you should check with your financial advisor and/or tax preparer.

Endowment Fund Contact Form

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