Worshop: Crocheting Knit Caps 101
September 10, 2024 7:00pm
Address: Redeemer Lutheran Church, 3606 S Schafer Road, Spokane, WA US 99206
Room: Rooms 120/121
Contact: Susan BaldwinSusan Baldwin
On Tuesday, September 10, at 7 p.m., our prayer shawl ministry leader, Joni Hensley, will teach a class on crocheting knit caps.
Why knit caps?
We have set a goal to fill over 200 Christmas Shoeboxes this year and want to ensure every child receives a knit cap made with love.
Please join us in Redeemer’s room 120/121—just off the lobby—for this fun, FREE event. Everyone is welcome.
Please call our church office with questions at (509)926-6363.